UNISON anti-racism charter
UNISON Anti-racism Charter, Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire County UNISON Branch are leading by example
Oxfordshire County Council as a diverse, inclusive employer, working alongside Oxfordshire County UNISON Branch have signed up to the UNISON anti-racism charter, becoming the first South East Local Government public sector employer to do so.
Oxfordshire County UNISON Black members Officer, Shirley Owens and UNISON Branch Secretary, Janie Wease commented, ‘It’s great news, our UNISON anti-racism charter is a powerful way for leaders to work alongside us to ensure racism has no place in our public sector, our branch are very proud as Equalities is at the heart of everything we do.
The charter commits organisations to provide support for staff who may suffer racism in the workplace and to be actively anti-racist, rather than just non-racist Anti-racism-charter_updated2023.pdf
Martin Reeves, Chief Executive of Oxfordshire County Council shared:
“Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) wants to be an employer of choice. Our people and culture strategy sets out how we’re nurturing an inclusive environment where all our colleagues feel that they can be themselves at all times and bring their whole self to work to do amazing things for the people of Oxfordshire.
“Racism has no place ever at OCC or within the county and so committing to this anti-racism charter is an important signal of intent of our determination to make this a reality. We have made good progress in terms of our self-evaluation against the RACE Equality Code (an external framework designed to address race inequity within organisations) and our own equality, diversity and inclusion strategy and action plan (Including Everyone). Plus, our Race Equality and Cultural Heritage employee engagement network goes from strength to strength. But, there is still much more to do and quickly and I know that being held to account for meeting the commitments within this anti-racist charter will reinforce our determination to do this together”.

From left to right, Martin Reeves, Kieran Pearson, Martin Berley, Shirley Owens, Sharon Peart, Peter Fryer, Janie Wease and Claire Stanhope.
Organising to Win Award 2024
UNISON Oxfordshire County Branch awarded The UNISON South East Local Government Organising to Win Award 2024.
This award is to celebrate exceptional work in UNISON branches. Alistair Bastin (Branch Chair) Steve Moran (Vice Chair) Shirley Owens (Branch Officer) and Janie Wease (Branch Secretary) received the award on behalf of our branch.

Council and School Pay

Local government staff keep communities safe, clean and accessible, often for little to no recognition.
Within our 2024 claim, we asked the employers for a pay increase of £3,000 or 10%, whichever was greater. The offer of £1,290 falls far short of this.*
Following a consultation of member, our NJC committee, made up of leading activists, decided that we would proceed with an industrial action ballot.
The ballot opened on Wednesday 4 September and closes at 10:00 on Wednesday 16 October.
Look out for your purple envelope.
Council and School Pay | Campaigns | UNISON National
Retired members – Forthcoming Social events
7th October Social lunch at the Swan and Castle 12 noon Swan and Castle
4th November
9th December, Xmas Meal 12.30, Browns Oxford.
6th January 2025 – January meeting – we will enjoy Sherry Mince pie and Quiz to welcome the New year in.
All meetings are held in County Hall, New Inn Hall Street, 10.15
All welcome
Women’s Group
Meet your UNISON Branch Womens Officers
On Tuesday 25th June, your Woman Branch officers Hannah Newell and Debbie Hollingsworth will be in County Hall,New Road Oxford, OX1 1ND.
They will be in the Common Hall from 11.30am – 2.30pm with refreshments.
The reason for this meet and greet is to get a better understanding on what you all would like from your UNISON Womens Group, how your Womens Officers can support you as members, what you can do to support your group and what would you be interested in doing as a Womens group in line with our UNISON campaigns About women in UNISON
Hannah and Debbie would love to meet you all, if you can spare the time in your busy work roles, whether that is 5 minutes or longer please come along.
Retired members
Next event – all are welcome.
Meeting July 1st 2024 – 10:15 am, County Hall – Before the meeting a talk by Liz Peretz of KONP on “The Future of Primary Healthcare”.
Further meetings will be held on Monday 2 Sept, 4 Nov 2024 at 10.15am in County Hall, Oxford.