How to contact the branch office
The quickest way to contact your UNISON Branch is to email or call, please always leave your full name, membership number, workplace (for example, say what sector you work in, Private, Voluntary, Community, Local Government, district/parish Council, Care, School/Academy) and leave your email/phone number/contact information.
01865 815990
Out of hours help
Call our national helpline, UNISON Direct on 0800 0 857 857
Lines are open from 6am to midnight on Monday to Friday and from 9 am till 4pm on Saturday. There is also a textphone number for members with hearing difficulties.
Please check and update your UNISON data
It’s so important that you keep your contact information, workplace details and job title up to date –otherwise UNISON can’t contact you with the latest updates. Take five minutes to check what details you currently have using My UNISON My UNISON | UNISON National or please call UNISON direct on 0800 0 857 857