UNISON Oxfordshire County Retired Members Group meets regularly at County Hall.
At the meetings we usually have speakers and discuss relevant issues. If you are a recently retired UNISON member you would be very welcome to join us.
For further information about the Retired members group, please email Rosemary Williams (UNISON Retired members Secretary) or Dave Stavris (UNISON Retired member Chair).
If you are retiring and wish to retain your membership with UNISON, please visit the ‘my unison’ section www.unison.org.uk/myunison to update your details or contact your local branch.
The Oxfordshire Retired Unison members will meet on the following dates in 2024.
- 13 May
- 1 July – Before the meeting a talk by Liz Peretz of KONP on “The Future of Primary Healthcare”
- 2 September
- 4 November
All meetings take place in Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall meeting rooms on a Monday at 10.15am.